Laser Pipe Profiling
Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and further just ask!
Using Australia’s first revolutionised self generated pipe profiling robotic camera, we have perfected the laser pipe profiling process. Cutting down the labour intense operation and the long imment delays for our report, this new innovative equipment cuts out the wait time for the report to be generated producing an instant result. This procedure doesn’t require confined space entry, nor does it create onsite delays, and even eliminates the labour intense process.
This is achieved through the ground-breaking “spinning laser” technology. Using advanced lasers on our robotic camera head, it projects two laser dots on the lumen/inner pipe wall. When the drive light is turned off and the camera head rotates to measure the internal diameter/ovality and any changes to the pipe via triangulated
calculations, it works in conjunction with software to create a detailed 2 & 3D easy to use pipe profile report and also produces graphs. This method is called the “spinning laser”.
This 3 in 1 system encompasses your:
- Conventional CCTV pipe inspection.
- Laser Pipe Profiling: Measuring pipe diameter/ovality, deflections, and deformations.
- Inclination Report: Fall and rise grade of the pipe length.
Additionally at any time during a CCTV pipe inspection survey we can perform a single point scan. This is possible with the use of inbuilt laser pipe profiling technology. With this technology, we can determine pipe size verification, pipe deflection or it deformation reduction. Helping our clients accurately make decisions on the lifeline of the pipe, its reduction in flow capacity with the correct information. Available in pipes sized 150mm – 1800mm
Servicing all South East Queensland areas and beyond: Gold Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast and Northern NSW.
For more information regarding this exciting and ground-breaking technology or to ask for a quote, don’t hesitate to contact us and our team of experienced and friendly staff will be happy to help.
Laser Profiling in Action
Generated Reports
More Information
Example Report
What does the report find?
With this technology, we can accurately measure any diameter changes (ovality), deflections or deformations in any pipe. The report is then generated and received onsite in 2 and 3D graphs. Please see example report for more information.
How we generate the report?
Using innovative software and Australia’s first self generated laser pipe profiling technology, we can conduct a laser pipe profiling report without a labour intense process or confined space entry. Using the ‘spinning laser” technology in conjunction with our reporting program we accurately measure pipe diameter (ovality), deflections and deformations to generate a 2 and 3D report.
How will the final report be delivered?
This ovality report along with CCTV footage is recorded onto a USB with all reports printed onsite supplied to the customer.
Contact Us
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via email, phone, social media or “Get a Quote” button so our friendly staff can respond to you within 24 hours.
This is an example of the detailed laser pipe profiling viewer you will receive on USB or by electronic transfer.